Catch the Glow is a gala and auction dedicated to supporting rural healthcare initiatives. The funds raised will directly enhance patient-and-family-centered healthcare services at Beatrice Community Hospital and Health Center.
The Centurian Cup Golf Tournament is hosted in May where teams come together to play a round of golf in support of a specific project within a certain department at the Beatrice Community Hospital.
Local community agencies gathered together to discuss several pressing topics within the Gage County area addressing health needs in our community. With our desire to expand the conversation and networking, we believe utilizing the Community Connections platform will provide a strong base for moving community health needs work forward in our area.
The Centurian Donor Appreciation Dinner is held annually to show our appreciation to friends and supporters of the BCH Foundation that give $100+ a year, which supports healthcare in our area.
Big Give Gage is a 24-hour time period of giving where Gage County area supporters are invited to give back to local charities and stretch giving even further. The goal of this community-wide giving event is to match Gage County area supporters' passions and generosity with local nonprofit organizations already doing great work. Through the combined participation of all people who love and care about the Gage County area, we can significantly impact the future of our community.
During the month of October, the BCH Foundation is honoring all families that have lost a baby while pregnant or at birth. In awareness of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, a Wave of Light from memorial lanterns will surround the Infant Memorial Garden located at St. Joseph's Cemetery. These lanterns are for parents, loved ones, and friends to remember and honor the infants that were lost.