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4800 Hospital Parkway, PO Box 641
Beatrice, Nebraska 68310

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Grant Opportunities

Grant Application Process

Grant Application Process

Application Process

The BCH Foundation Board of Directors will review all grant funding applications at the regularly scheduled September Board Meeting. Applicants will be notified of a decision on or before October 1st. In the event of an approved grant, funds can be distributed by either vendor check (please submit an invoice/bill), or by a check specifically to your organization (please submit a copy of the paid invoice/bill). The funds allocated for this project will be held by the Foundation until the proper paperwork has been completed. Please note that grant funds will only be available during the applicable fiscal year, between the dates of October 1 and June 1 when the next grant application cycle opens.

Grant Report

Grant recipients are required to submit a final report on the use of granted funds no later than June 1, when the next grant application cycle opens. The grant report is simply an evaluation by the grant recipient of the project funded. The BCH Foundation will evaluate the outcomes of grant awards, and therefore the timely submission of a grant report is very important. If a grant recipient is unable to meet the reporting deadline, we request that they contact the Foundation in writing or by phone prior to the due date. No new grant requests will be considered until a satisfactory report has been received. A copy of the grant report form will be sent to all applicants who are chosen for grant funding.


To allow ample time for the BCH Foundation Board members to review each request thoroughly, applications must be received by 4 pm on July 31st.

Technical Assistance

The Director of the Beatrice Community Hospital Foundation is available to discuss application procedures:

Beatrice Community Hospital Foundation 
C/O Shelby Watson, Senior Executive
4800 Hospital Parkway
Beatrice, NE 68310
Phone: (402) 223-7260
Fax: (402) 223-6723


What You Will Need to Apply:

All applicants must complete each item unless otherwise noted. Applications that do not include information listed below will not be considered for funding.

1-Annual BCH Healthcare Grant Application 
  • Fill out the 1-page grant application form. After June 1st you will be able to download and print the form from our website, or stop by the BCH Foundation office to pick one up. The BCH Foundation office is located on the first floor of the Beatrice Community Hospital, across from the chapel.
2-Cover Sheet/Letter
  • A cover sheet or letter with the name, address, and phone/fax numbers of the applicant organization
  • Name and title of contact person
  • Title of project
  • Brief summary of project, including amount of request and total budget for project
  • Signature of the Executive Director, Program Director, or Department Manager
3-Project Description

      Please limit the project description to four (4) pages.

  • Problem or issue to be addressed and/or need for program in our community
  • Population to be served
  • Project's goals and objectives
  • Intended outcomes and plans for evaluation
  • Time frame for implementation
  • Current and future project funding strategies
  • Organization's qualifications to effectively implement the project
4-Supporting Documentation

     There is no limit on supporting documentation. Applicants may include as much information as pertinent to the grant request.

     Project Budget

     List all expenses for the project and all pending and committed sources of income. Identify which portion of the budget the

     Foundation is being asked to support and whether or not partial funding would be acceptable.  

5-Applicant Information  
  • Mission and purpose
  • Size, location, and history
  • Services offered and most current service statistics
  • List of Board members and key personnel 

     If the proposal involves a partnership with one or more entities, a letter of support from the partner entities should be included.

7-Financial Information
  • Most recent audited financial statement and management letter OR IRS Form 990 tax return if the organization has no audit
  • Most recent Annual Report
  • Letter verifying tax exempt status is current, if applicable 

Ready to Apply?

Before You Apply

Before you apply for a BCH Foundation Healthcare Grant, please answer the following questions to see if you qualify: 

  1. Is your organization an IRS-registered, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization? 
  2. Does your organization's service area cover Gage County and/or southeastern Nebraska?
  3. Is your request for general operating or program support rather than special events, endowments, or an individual?
  4. Does your project or program directly impact healthcare needs or issues in Gage County and/or southeastern Nebraska?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are eligible to apply for a Beatrice Community Hospital Foundation Healthcare Grant.

Current grant cycle is open from June 1 - July 31. 

Click here to download the application for a 2024-2025 Healthcare Grant.

While there is no one-size-fits-all expectation of community grant applications, the BCH Foundation has partnered with Tara Dunker, MS, RD [Food, Nutrition & Health Educator for UNL Extension in Gage County] to create a Best Practices Guide for potential applicants. This will help to address the critical components of a winning grant application. We suggest you use this guide as a tool to ensure your application is cohesive, complete, and straightforward. We are rooting for your success!

Current grant cycle is closed.

The grant cycle will open June 1 - July 31. 

Our Impact in 2023

  • Total Awarded in Grants


  • Total Raised


  • Total Number of Donations


Beatrice Community Hospital Foundation
4800 Hospital Parkway, PO Box 641
Beatrice, Nebraska 68310